Though it was a pleasure listening to the vice president, I learned a lot more about the new green economy from hours of talking to the union laborers actually building it.
* A look back at the impact Justice Scalia's signature snarky style has had on the high court. [Jost on Justice]
* Decry "big government" all you want, but this is a great use of its power: one Wal-Mart declared a public nuisance. [Law and More]
* A horse! A horse! My law license for a horse! One attorney faces sanctions for his love of racing horses. [Legal Profession Blog]
* The NLRB might have dashed Northwestern's football players' unionization hopes, but they still won a lot of concessions. [Fox Sports]
* More than 50 days after the landmark Obergefell case, there are still pockets of the country where same-sex couples can't get married. [BuzzFeed]
* What can the RNC offer Donald Trump to GTFO of the Republican primary? [Funny or Die]
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